The only update I've done is that I put up 3 paintings yesterday (after months of procrastination as to exactly where I wanted them).
The two with beige and greens went in the living room:

And this lovely one (my favourite) with the deep gold frame, and shades of blue, greens, and orange went in the master bedroom:

I actually JUST took down the tree in the living room yesterday. I had been waiting around to buy one of those big tree-storage bags, and I didn't do it yet. I need to mail-order it, and I was waiting until I needed something else, so I could save on shipping. I ended up stuffing half the tree into the box, and bagging the larger section in a big garbage bag.
Plans for Upcoming Renovations:
These are a list of small and large projects that need to be done soon:
- Redo the garage roof (long overdue)
- Redo the front door (strip & refinish antique door, build a frame, install the lock(s) and install bronze weatherstripping)
- Refinish hardwood floors
- "L" Room ceiling & closet, then paint walls & ceiling (so that room would be done!)
- Porch stairs & bottom lattice
- Main staircase (rebuild)
Otherwise, there's been a bunch of updates on the upholstery blog, including a whole new layout design to match our company's newly redesigned website. You can check those out here:
We've been working on some pretty nice antiques lately, including a gorgeous old sofa that is nearly done.
Hola JC, espero que tu lista de cosas pendientes de realizar los puedas empezar lo antes posible cuando el tiempo mejore, tengo ganas de ver finalizado el porche y las escaleras para subir a la primera planta; será un cambio sustancial tanto exterior como interior de tú casa. En cuanto al blog de la tapicería ahora se vé con una acabado de fondo de mayor calidad, saludos Valentín.