It was a lot of work, but not too bad. After this room, there will only be the guest bedroom left, which is only about 9x9. That room won't be ready to work in for quite a while, still.
These are some of the tools I used to prep the floors (along with a screwdriver, vacuum, and a rag and pail).

I actually didn't end up using the belt sander, but in case I would need it, I didn't want to go back to get it, so I had brought it upstairs. I used the hand plane to shave-down the edges and uneven boards where my repairs had been put in. The sander was used to smooth out the planer marks, and the scraper(s) were used to remove all the putty (see video).
Putty before scraping.

Here's a quick video that I shot for you guys! Scraping and sanding all the putty took around 1 1/2 hours.
Floor vacuumed, washed, and raw pine shellacked.

First coat going on:

First coat done!

I was afraid that the brown/orange tint hadn't been matched perfectly since this is my second can, but it actually looks just fine. It looks slightly yellower in this photo, but it's still wet, and also needs a second coat, but I can tell that the colour is fine.

Hopefully I have the energy to do the second coat tomorrow (if it's dry enough) or Wed evening.
Yeah for progress! You've been busy! ;o)
Yup. I'm only starting to have funds to do repairs now, so since summer is nearly over, I really wanted to get this done while I can still have open windows to vent the paint fumes. Hopefully I'll be able to get the drywall work done, but larger projects that I was hoping to get done this summer probably won't be done this year (redo front door, remove chimney, repair bottom of porch/steps).