I decided to tear out the rest of the floor before showering and getting fully dressed (since I'd be covered in grime).
Note the area around the furnace vent (or rather, where a proper vent should be). They actually cut the board badly, and they had to add a patch to it. the rest of the board, and the following board were also loose and damaged, so in the next photos you'll see that they're gone.
The entire area around the vent is in poor shape, and it almost looks like they patched this flooring before, since it's cut and matched funny in this area. I'll probably just replace a whole section and redo it properly.
This last portion (like several others around the staircase) had to be cut against the edge of the wall, since they built the wall over the 1/4" plywood (and also over the floating laminate floor in the MB closet area).
Thank GOD for my "multi-tool"/flush-cut saw. It's probably the best tool I've got other than my trusty pry bar! No other two tools have gotten as much use during the renos so far.
Now that I have more room to work around in the room (from moving boxes/furniture) I can probably fix the windows, install my special trim mouldings, and work on the baseboards.
These two photos will show you just how much fun I'll be having, working on these two windows. I have no idea what the heck they did to these or why, but it looks like they troweled-on some drywall compound. There's also tons of bumps, nails, staples, and chipped paint. These are the two worst (and last) windows in the house.
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