This post will feature a follow-up to a house reno I've been following with you guys, as well as a handful of "pretty" Cornwall homes. I still have a large stock of fresh photos I took of other old homes, but I want to post them gradually.
About a week ago in this post, I posted a photo of the "Adams Sherwood Swabey & Fallon" lawyers' offices (reposted below), and I wanted to share with you guys a night shot. I don't have the best camera for night photography, but it's one of the best lit homes in town, and worth sharing.

It's a bit hard to make out, but if you look at the centre window over the main door, you'll see that each window is fitted with a custom shaped lit frame of small white lights. In addition, the house is lit with flood lights from below.

Next up is another of my favourite foursquares. This one sits on one of the main historic streets in town, and across from one of our high schools.
I especially like the robust columns, and porch railing (which you can see farther down), as well as the front door.

The following photos are more recent (the one above was taken in the summer). The house has an amazing side porch which is very hard to photograph because of a large lilac bush (on the left) and the fence. The screens were added later. Note the railing on the right.

Note the scroll appliqués on the door, the stained glass panels, and the original light fixture on the t-g ceiling.

This home (a few blocks away from the previous home) has some beautiful and unique Gothic details. The front doors are typical mid-to-late 19th century examples with deep mouldings. There is a very simple centre beam decoration over the central peak. The house has the original windows.

What really makes this house unique, however, is the Gothic detailing on the roof sides, and the original tin roof with dentil peak details (which I haven't seen on any other Cornwall homes).

Lastly, here's the reno house I mentioned. This is a house I've been following for quite some time (since it's on my street farther down, and part of my neighbourhood), but I haven't posted any updates to it in ages. In fact, the original photos I'm reposting are so old that they predate my switch to Picasa (back when I was still using Photobucket).
My first post about it was back in August 2011. For the longest time, it had been boarded up and abandoned, and in the past few years, they've been fixing it up. The following photo was taken shortly after the house had been opened-up again, and I noticed they were making repairs.
Fast forward a bit, and last fall, they had repaired and repainted about half the exterior. I took these shots a few weeks ago. I'm not thrilled with the new colours, but I don't hate them either. I'm ecstatic that this home is being saved. I'm also happy that it's being saved in a historically accurate way (rather than slapping-on some new siding). I assume that they're having the stained glass window repaired, since it was removed.

The roof still needs to be replaced (badly!) and the chimney needs repointing, but they're getting there! I *REALLY* should write them some kind of "you guys are awesome" letter/note.

They haven't done this side yet.

The third house with the Gothic details almost made me cry. I LOVE it - holy moly. I haven't seen a house that gorgeous in a while - thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Gothic is probably my absolute favourite style. Sadly, there aren't too many homes (or churches) in town with anything too exciting to look at. One comes to mind, and I may need to take newer photos of it. It's the St.-Columban's Rectory, and it's a very grand high-Gothic home with jaw-dropping retails. You can KIND OF see it here:
But that's not a very good photo.
The peak on the third house is wonderful! I've never seen a house with something like that before.
ReplyDeleteThe last house was indeed a bit old. The exterior's appearance improved thanks to the paint job. For me, yellow was a good choice because it made the house become inviting once again. And it will be better if they will also repair the roof. Some parts of it obviously need attention.
ReplyDeleteThe roof does need attention, and I wouldn't be too surprised if it's leaking currently. The house was boarded up ad abandoned for quite a while. I think they're going to be replacing it with black shingles like they did on the front section over the porch.
DeleteHi, JC. If the house was abandoned, there's really a huge possibility that parts of it will get damaged. Take its roofing system for example. It will surely get shaky when you don't pay attention to it. Houses certainly need maintenance from time to time in order to remain in a good state. Despite what happened, it's good to know that they will replace it with new shingles.
ReplyDeleteDina Schatz @ Wood Roof