Here's the "Master Bedroom return ducts" corner:
For reference, the right hand wall is the centre wall (Dining Room on other side), and the left wall faces the graveyard).

And as a fun reminder, here are two of the old (first day I got the house) photos. What a mess that was.
Here's the other duct corner (Master Bedroom closet vent). This was the one that I had to cut out a few weeks back.

This guy:

Here's another view. Centre wall on the left, staircase/entrance to Living Room on the right.

Here's where the crown meets back up with the rest of the original stuff (exterior walls). The arrow points to the drywall corner repair that I did. You'll understand why it's funny to point out in the next photo.

Here's the before. The darker spot that's visible is actually just a sh*t-ton of acrylic caulking finger-painted into the crack. They did a poor job on their drywall install, and because the ceiling is so sloped/crooked here, they had a triangular wedge (hole) in this spot. Instead of patching it with paper tape and mud, they just used caulking. -_-
I also went ahead and made that matching repro moulding for the Office built-in. It was made out of 2 pieces combined/glued together, and it's a near-perfect match to the other originals (even better than the other repro ones I had gotten made at work).

So now I just have one or two other small touch-ups (deep gaps to fill in corners with the caulking), and then all the trim in the Living Room, AND Office will be ready to paint. Actually, once the trim is painted, I can also go ahead and paint the walls (which I'm excited about!)
Stay Tuned!
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